Because the well-done t-shirt can so effectively trigger good memories, they are often connected to specific events. Many businesses and organizations will offer a package of goods and services, and bundle the t-shirt with those goods and services. One fee is charged for the entire package, and one of the items that ‘comes with’ is the t-shirt. Here are a few examples of how are customers are using this strategy.
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If you are a jr. high or high school student, a spirit shirt can help mark your identity with your fellow classmates, and create a more robust sense of community with your friends (and even the people you don't like...) If you're an activities director who needs to order shirts for your school groups no doubt you can find the process challenging. In this blag, I present 4 ways that we can use to help make the shirt buying experience for your school or school organization as painless as possible.
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It is obvious that businesses sell shirts to increase revenue, but there are so many details involved in how they do it successfully for profit. This post examines how several of the companies we work with have turned their brand into a clothing line, and how they are able to create additional revenue streams by monetizing their brand and their brand's artwork through supplemental t-shirt sales, that exist side by side with their ongoing business activities. I look at the three categories of entities that are likely to benefit from this strategy - Gyms, retail stores with a branded presence, and celebrities of all types and levels (youtubers pay close attention!).
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Baseball Central has a different vibe than just a place your son or daughter get lessons at. They really have a much different focus, and that focus is to get kids to love baseball no matter what their skill level is. By doing nothing more than having a storefront and designing shirts, you’ll likely see someone wearing a Baseball Central shirt to practice or at the neighborhood park. Their customers are paying them to advertise their product.
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